Earth; Art outside
Earth; Art outside
Nature Based Learning / May 12th, 2017 12:22 pm     A+ | a-

It's one of those late spring days in Southern California where everything that used to be brown is green and all the water ways are bubbling clear down the mountain. "Amanda Panda" as she is refered to by the explorers at EverwildLA gives the call "Ahut Ahut" and those that are joining the group today come scampering down trees or splashing through streams to get to her.  Immediately there are questions "Can we go down to the cave today?"  "Will there be time to make a fort later"  "Owch these oak leaves are picking me"  
Today - like other days Amanda weaves the questions and ideas into an itinerary and once everyone has agreed on a plan they are off and running.  

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